
New Collaboration Primer Course on Cisco NetSpace

Collaboration Primer, a new community developed course, is now available on Cisco NetSpace. Instructors can open and teach Collaboration Primer courses using this community developed content.
The Collaboration Primer introduces enterprise collaboration and the underlying delineating technologies in messaging, voice, and video. It maps the journey that telephony has taken; progressing from the initial implementation of voice on telephone wires, to the addition of the Internet Protocol, up to the use and integration of video technologies.

討論主題:執行成果 執行日期: 102/2/1~7/31 活動概述: 於 102/5/23, 102/6/3, 102/6/10, 102/6/17 假學校餐廳及..

討論主題:思科教材 執行日期: 102/5/23 內容摘要: 1.   思科網路學會的線上教學系統尚未 Migration 至 NetSpace 平台,爾後將會影響老師在校開課。由於自...

討論主題: Cisco 舉辦:我愛思科 1 日體驗營 執行日期: 102/10/28 內容摘錄: 資訊巨擘企業 CISCO 與 1111 人力銀行攜手合作,推出 2013 CISC...

